Grades 1 - 7

2024-2025 YEAR

St. Bernard Church

Faith Formation 

for Grades 1 through 7
(Students in grades 8 & 9 see Life Teen Program)

Welcome to St. Bernards Faith Formation page. Here you will find the neccesary information about the program and a link to our class schedule for the 2024-2025 year.  
All grades, with the exception of Grade 1, have the option for going to class on either a Sunday or weekday class to help with your individual schedule.
Sunday classes are as follows:
Grade 2, Grade 3 and Grade 7: Sunday from 9:20-10:20
Grade 4, Grade 5 and Grade 6: Sunday from 11:20-12:20
Monday classes are as follows:
Grade 5, Grade 6 and Grade 7: 5:00-6:00pm
Wednesday classes are as follows:
Grade 2, Grade 3 and Grade 4: 5:00-6:00pm
Grade 1 students will start by attending the Sunday 10:30am Mass with family. At the beginning of the Mass, Fr Hebert will ask all First Grade students to come up for a quick hello and blessing. The students are then escorted, by our teachers, to their classes in the hall. After Mass, parents will pick up their child from their teacher for dismissal. Students are dismissed only to a parent or guardian and will remain with their teacher until so.

Opening Day for Classes
Classes start on the week of Sunday, October 20, 2024
On opening day, parents are asked to stay with their child in the hall until classes are assigned. This will allow us a chance to provide you and your child with important information about the upcoming year and events that will take place.