Life Teen

Welcome to St. Bernard Life Teen 2024-2025


We extend a warm welcome to all of our 8th and 9th Grade students into the LIFE TEEN Program. We are very excited about meeting all Candidates and for the opportunity to journey with them as they prepare for Confirmation. 
LIFE TEEN is quite different than your typical faith formation class in concept, style and scheduling. Here is some information about our LIFE TEEN Program:
LIFE TEEN is a Catholic high school youth ministry program that is geared towards the preparation of the Sacrament of Confirmation. LIFE TEEN is designed to meet the following needs:

  • Catechetical
  • Educational
  • Spiritual
  • Social
  • Emotional

LIFE TEEN provides a solid, systematical catechesis that lays a foundation for the Sacrament of Confirmation and beyond. LIFE Nights help each Candidate experience their faith by hearing and seeing talks, witnesses, skits and more.
LIFE TEEN provides a nurturing environment that helps young adults understand and appreciate what the Catholic Church teaches and believes and that they are a vital and visual presence within the parish community.
LIFE TEEN helps to foster a transforming spiritual experience of Jesus through the liturgy which will allow the Candidates to experience the Word of God and the Eucharist in a more profound way and to prepare them for the Sacrament of Confirmation. 
Every youth does not want to be alienated or lonely and many times will do what it takes to keep their friends and make new ones. LIFE Nights will provide a terrific environment for socializing and making friends that share common goals and challenges.
LIFE TEEN journeys with the Candidates through their fears and doubts, as well as, through their hopes and dreams. LIFE TEEN helps them to develop a relationship with each other and helps them understand that a personal relationship with Jesus will help them overcome life’s hardships and allows them the full enjoyment of what life presents to them.
What’s involved? ·        

  • Youth Mass (Selected Sundays starting at 5 pm)
  • Life Nights (before the Youth Mass for grade 8 and following the Youth Mass for grade 9)
  • Social Nights (optional fun and social experience) (9th Grade)
  • Service Projects (additional volunteer work in both the Parish and community) (9th Grade)
  • Retreat (9th Grade)
  • Confirmation preparation and Mass (9th Grade)
  • Other activities include Adoration, Pizza and Prayer and special community projects (9th Grade)


Downloads (Updated September 2, 2024)

8th Grade Fridge Schedule

9th Grade Fridge Schedule

8th Grade Schedule and Reference Guide

9th Grade Schedule and Reference Guide

Community Service Form

Sponsor Form