
Altar Servers
Altar servers serve God and God's people at Mass by assisting the priest in the celebration of the liturgy. These young men and women are needed in all liturgical celebrations to assist the priest on the altar throughout Mass to provide and move the artifacts used in the liturgy (books, sacred vessels and other objects) to facilitate readings and preparations of the gifts. The members of this ministry serve at Masses, weddings, funerals (if needed), Holy Days of Obligation, as well as special Masses and prayer services. There’s perhaps no greater way for young people to grow in faith than to learn how to enter into the Mass more deeply and one of the great ways so many have done so is through serving God at his altar. Ministry is open to young men and women who have made their First Communion.

Contact: Fr. Hebert 508-644-5585, 

Lectors proclaim the Scriptures proper to them at all weekend and weekday liturgies. Meetings for scheduling proposes are held periodically. 

Contact: Fr. Hebert 508-644-5585, 

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist 
The role of Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist is entered into for one year- renewable upon the invitation of the pastor. Open to both men and women in good standing in the church, the Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist distributes Holy Communion or the Precious Blood at all weekend and weekday Masses at which there are insufficient ordained clergy to accomplish the task in a timely manner. Meetings for scheduling purposes are held periodically. 

Contact: Fr. Hebert 508-644-5585, 

These women and men form the largest group of volunteers in the parish organization. Their purpose is to assist parents in the religious formation and education of their children. Training and support is provided. These are not usually professional teachers, but rather people of faith who are willing to witness that faith to the children of the parish. 
Contact: Brian & Marlene Correia 508-644-2136,

Men of St Joseph
An organization of Catholic men who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so they may grow in love and serve our Lord. The only requirement is membership in the Catholic Church and a desire to improve your conscious contact with the Lord. Our primary purpose is to love the Lord and help others through Prayer, Sacred Scripture, and fellowship. Meetings are held on the first Monday monthly at 7 pm in the church hall.
Contact: Fr. Hebert 508-644-5585, 


St Vincent De Paul Society 
An organization of laymen and women dedicated to addressing local needs of food, clothing, rent, or utility payments. The group also has summer “camperships” for children in need. The names of those who they serve are held in the strictest confidence. Activities are funded through freewill donations made in the poor boxes at the doors of the church and though the ongoing collection, sale and recycling of articles of clothing. Inquiries can be made by contacting Fr. Mike or by putting an inquiry into one of the St. Vincent de Paul boxes located in the church.
Contact: Fr. Hebert 508-644-5585,